Name That Actor

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Update: 2/05/08
Pharaoh Kay 0 1,102 by Pharaoh Kay
Feb 5, 2008 16:04:31 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling Name THIS Actor
High Priest Ali 7 318 by wereallgunnabepoor
Aug 15, 2010 15:15:26 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling Name THIS Actor
High Priest Ali 106 2,054 by High Priest Ali
Jul 25, 2006 8:00:38 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling Name THIS Actor
High Priest Ali 27 722 by High Priest Ali
May 22, 2006 10:41:33 GMT -5


Thread Announcement Sticky Locked new New Poll Bookmark

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Name That Actor
Around every month or so, maybe sooner, there will be a poll put up in this board to see if you know the voice actor to go with the character. You are only allowed to vote for one person, and you are not allowed to ask some other member what the real answer is. Try your best, and if you don't get it, that's fine. This is a game made up for the fun of our members. Take advantage of it.
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